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Tutors Valley offers Java courses and J2EE courses with professional Tutors in major UK counties.


IT Courses



"J2EE" (or just "JEE" now) is Java Enterprise Edition, which consists of core Java with a powerful set of libraries. These libraries are mostly useful if the applications you're developing have to be multi-tiered, fault-tolerant and/or distributed, running on application servers.


Duration: 24 Hours  Module:Java
Sl no Topic to be Covered Theory Practice sessions
1 Introduction to Java
Classes and Objects
 Getting Started with Java
 Introduction to JDK
 Writing a Java program
 NetBeans IDE Overview
 Using Comments in Java
Theory Practice sessions
2 Variables and Operators
 Introduction to Variables
 Introduction to Data Types
Formatted Output and Input
 Operators,Type Casting
Theory Practice sessions
3  Decision-Making and Iterations
 Decision-Making Statements
 Introduction to Loops
 Jump Statements
Theory Practice sessions
4 Introducing Classes
 Creating Classes and Objects
 Instance Variables
Theory Practice sessions
5  Arrays
 Other String classes
Theory Practice sessions
6 Packages and Access Specifiers
 Introduction to Packages
 Access Control Keywords
 Field and Method Modifiers
Theory Practice sessions
7  Inheritance and Interfaces
 Overloading of methods
Using abstract keyword
 Using final keywords
Theory Practice sessions
8 More on Classes
 Class Variables
Nested Class
Theory Practice sessions
9 Exceptions
 Introduction to Exceptions
Exception handling in Java
User defined exceptions
Theory Practice sessions
